Tuesday, August 08, 2006
evening with mom

my mom: so, i've boxes for you.

me: okay.

my mom: you can put clothes in these boxes. [she starts picking up boxes and waving them in front of my face ] here's a box, here's a box, and here's a box.

me: i see mom. they're in my room.

[ i proceed to make my vegetales fruit snacks begin to dance. ]

my mom: you have doctors appointments wednesday, and two on thursday.

me: two on thursday?

my mom: i want you to get your meningitis shot and talk to a doctor about your insomnia.

[ the dancing stops. ]

me: i can't do that in one visit?

[ a beat ]

my mom: nervous about moving yet?

me: no.

my mom: just... please, please, travel in groups.

me: thanks for the tip, mom. i remember the buddy system. third grade wasn't that long ago.

this is what i've been putting up with for the past week. i don't think i'm going to make it to next week because i may throw myself from my window before then.


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southern belle // SUMMER

This is basically a collection of my daily (or weekly...) thoughts, philosophies, rambling, rants, and the occasional reminsicing.

Location: Newport News, Virginia, United States

I'm currently a Freshman at Christopher Newport University. I'm a declared Political Science major, I'm also going to be an English double major.

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