Wednesday, August 02, 2006
on why you should never work in food-service.

for those of you who have never held a job, have never worked in food-service, or are thinking about applying for a job in food-service, let me be the first to tell you to run like hell in the other direction.

trust me when i say that waiting tables is not for everyone. some people just can't do it. unfortunately, i am not one of those people. and for the most part, i don't mind what i do (save for the excessive bullshit from fellow employees and middle management), but there are some nights that make me hate all god's children with renewed vigor and a newfound ardorence.

i'll paint you a pretty picture with a nice little anecdote here.

waitress greets table of three teenage males. males order water all around. waitress tries not to groan at their obvious cheapness and the rude way the teenage mutant ninja turtles order their water. instead, she retrieves said water with a smile and politely inquires what boys would like for dinner. all three males order chicken tenders and french fries. waitress smiles and puts in order. food is served and waitress accidently drops one chicken tender onto floor and manages to get two french fries stuck between her cleavage. waitress returns with two chicken tenders to the one dropped and apologizes profusely. larry, curly, and moe laugh at her misfortune. she can take that. she knows she looked like an idiot. males run waitress to death, requesting ranch dressing, more biscuits and drinking water like camels. waitress bears all with a smile - after all, the key to being a good server is maintaining a good attitude. when the pigs empty their troughs, waitress brings three separate checks that say "thank you" on the back. a nice gesture that she extends towards everyone. (plus, she read once in a magazine that 54 percent of people tip higher when there's a hand-written note on the back of the check.) boys pay with twenty dollar bill, mommy's credit card, and a fifty dollar bill for balances of less than ten dollars. waitress returns change (in dollar bills, y'all) and wishes boys a nice evening. they wish her a nice evening back, all the while making fun of her because she is not a size two and she does not have platinum blonde hair. waitress returns to the table after dumb, dumber, and dumbest leave, to find a handful of change (mostly pennies) and two singles. waitress finds credit card slip (signed with no tip) soaking in a puddle of water on a tip tray covered with butter. needless to say, waitress is a little irritated with the high-school-cool-kids-soon-to-be college-fail-outs.

later that evening, waitress talks to host and discovers that not only did the "cool kids" give her a hard time, they also overturned all the ranch dressing and honey mustard they sent her on conquests to retreive for them. and all that water she poured for them? also in a puddle on the table. now she's a little past irritated. but wait! there's more, you say? they buttered the wall? what!? now waitress gets to scrub butter from a brick wall. oh, she's fuming now. but it's okay. she gets to go home. all she has to do is clean the lid from the ketchup bottle and re-fill the salt shaker. why is the salt shaker only half-full, you ask. waitress removes cap from ketchup bottle to find half of a salt shaker poured into the neck of the ketchup bottle. a brand new ketchup bottle. you can actually see the steam rising from her ears now. she picks up the salt shaker and you guessed it, the lid falls off. apparently, these kids took a page right out of shawn hunter's book about ten years too late. (you remember? boy meets world, 1994. shawn loosens the salt shaker so when minkus uses it, he'll ruin his hamburger.) waitress officially hates all people.

what? this is a true story? yes, everyone. this is an actual detailed account of the events that took place just hours ago at my workplace. rest assured that these three boys have been officially black balled from my business establishment and if i ever see them on the streets, i'm going to throw tomatoes at them. why would anyone act like this in a restaurant? i have no clue. i just know that i see a lot of people that give the human race a bad name on a daily basis but these asshats are by far, the worst.

do you or someone you know act like this? if so, be sure to steer clear of my restaurant. because next time? i am spitting in your food.


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southern belle // SUMMER

This is basically a collection of my daily (or weekly...) thoughts, philosophies, rambling, rants, and the occasional reminsicing.

Location: Newport News, Virginia, United States

I'm currently a Freshman at Christopher Newport University. I'm a declared Political Science major, I'm also going to be an English double major.

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